16 Jul

More than ever, connections are so important. Since the outbreak of Covid in March 2020, people all over the world have found themselves increasingly isolated. All the concerts we couldn’t play were also missed opportunities to connect with people.
For performances here in Germany I introduce each song. Initially I gave just a brief translation of the English title and lyrics. This expanded gradually to include anecdotes about what life was like at the time I wrote the song: relationships, conflicts, challenges, serendipities. Apparently my experiences are shared by many! As we play, I can feel people in the audience connecting in a big web of recognition and empathy. Following our performances, people approach me to express their thanks for honestly talking about what it is to be human. They go home feeling refreshed, inspired, touched by understanding.
So here on this website I share the stories behind the songs, because although they are "mine", I'm sure they are also yours. Maybe I have a song about whatever is in your life at the moment! And if not... well, I’ll just have to write a new one!
I’ve included a contact form, in the hopes that you will get in touch. What is it that keeps us going every day? What connections are important to you? 

And of course, we’d be thrilled to have an opportunity to play our music live for you.

* The email will not be published on the website.