Pull up a chair
In 2018 I was invited to a session of "Küchenmusik" in Ronny's kitchen. A versatile, ever-changing group of people drawn to Ronny's easy cheerfulness and savvy musicianship gathered every Tuesday evening for a few hours of singing and playing. Ronny offered us tea, beer or champagne - or all three! - and a bowl of pretzels, a box of mints.
The songs were an eclectic mix of old Irish folk, East German rock, campfire songs in several languages (even one no-one recognized), oldies and goodies. Everyone had an instrument, sometimes we traded around. We experimented with harmonies and arrangements.
Ronny and I soon discovered that we liked each other's style. We found it easy to expand on each other's ideas and blend our music into something exceptionally pleasing. We laughed at the same musical quirks (How to recognize a music nerd: they giggle uncontrollably when someone inadvertently plays a major chord in a minor piece).
After a month or two I finally got up the nerve to ask Ronny if he'd like to start a project with me, playing my songs. He said he was just waiting for me to ask! Communicating can be so rewarding!
Changes in Ronny’s schedule have meant an indefinite hiatus for the Küchenmusik. I feel so fortunate that I still get to play and sing weekly in Ronny’s kitchen. Now we play my own songs, which Ronny calls „richtig cool!“
Ronny invited a drummer/percussionist friend to come have a listen and bring his snare along. We all liked what we heard. Lutz liked the tea. Stone and Flow was born!