Music and Musings
See the Music Player for samples of the sounds we love.
Bei bestem Wetter unter freiem Himmel in der romantisch restaurierten Innenhof der Nicolaikirche: Ein Sommerkonzert von Stone and Flow! Bei schlechtem Wetter - in der stilvoll restaurierten Kirchensaal. ENG - Wonderful weather permitting, Stone and Flow will play in the romantically restored inner courtyard of St. Nikolai. Refreshments might include cookies! If the weather doesn't cooperate, we'll play in the stylishly restored church sanctuary. Maybe with cookies!
Der Afrikakreis lädt ein! Elizabeth und Lutz* spielen je ein Set um 19:00 Uhr und um 20:00 Uhr. Eventuell mit Zugabe ;) ENG The "Afrikakreis" in Stendal invites one and all to come to their station in the St. Marien Church. Elizabeth and Lutz* will play a set at 7:00pm and at 8:00pm, possibly also an encore at 9:00pm ;) *Ronny muss die Bibliothek betreuen! / Ronny has to man the library!
Bad news: our concert on February 5th has been cancelled/postponed. Next week new Covid-regulations are expected that will be even more restricting. So no concert! Maybe we’ll work on some recordings... We'll be in touch - someday we’ll play live again!
Summer concert in the Christuskirche in Wahrburg/Stendal
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